what’s verified PayPal account ?
verified PayPal account means that PayPal has confirmed the account holder’s identity to increase security and trust. This process typically involves PayPal verifying details such as the user’s bank account, credit or debit card, or other financial information linked to their PayPal account. When a PayPal account is verified, it reassures other users and businesses that the account is more secure and reliable for transactions. This is particularly important for sellers and businesses, as it can influence buyers’ confidence in dealing with them
What do I get after Purchasing a verified PayPal account?
- PayPal account: Mail and Password.
- Email: Mail, Password and Recovery Mail
- Phone Number : (You can receive messages and calls for life)
- SSN Number (Social Security Number)
- VCC (Virtual Credit Card) with Address.
- Bank Account and Routing Number
- PayPal Login URL and instruction of using a PayPal account.
- Passport/National ID Card
- One Month Vps (Can be extended for the following months)
How Are The PayPal Accounts Verified ?
✔️ verified by real documents.
✔️ Verified by Bank Account
✔️ Verified by VCC ( Virtual Credit Card )
✔️ phone number verified (Get the phone number panel )
✔️ PayPal account creation email type: Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook & etc.
✔️ Address Verified
✔️ Verified by Passport
✔️ Verified by SSN ( Social Security Number )
✔️ Send All Documents including Passports, utility bill or driver licence
✔️ Verified with your Personal information
Why Choose Verified PayPal Accounts from Us?
When you buy verified PayPal accounts from us, you are not only getting a secure and trusted solution but also saving time and effort. We take the stress out of account verification, so you can focus on your online transactions, whether it’s e-commerce, freelancing, or personal use.
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